Worried about your child’s myopia?


Worried about your child’s myopia?

Find an eye doctor near you and learn about treatment options.

What are the common eye problems seen in pediatric age group?
Children can have variety of eye problems. Some of the relatively common disorders are refractive errors, redness of eyes (conjunctivitis – infective or allergic), watering of eyes, strabismus (deviation of eyes), amblyopia (lazy eyes), lid abnormalities (ptosis), congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma, developmental abnormalities of the eyes (microphthalmos), vitreous hemorrhage, retinopathy of prematurity etc.

For pediatric eye care, the diagnosis is a tricky aspect as kids don’t allow evaluation of the eye. Therefore, to find out the extent of the problem we conduct an examination under anesthesia. We also test the mother and siblings to determine whether it is a genetic disability. Once the problem is identified, the children’s parents are counseled about the extra care and follow up care required. After this, the child undergoes a surgery which is followed by regular follow up sessions to monitor the improvement in the eye.

Kids do look cute in glasses! But with the proliferation of ortho-k and other myopia control techniques, fewer kids may need eyeglasses for myopia in the future.

Multifocal contact lenses and eyeglasses

Multifocal contacts are special lenses that have different powers in different zones of the lens to correct presbyopia, nearsightedness or farsightedness .

But researchers and eye doctors are finding that conventional or modified multifocal soft contact lenses also are effective tools for myopia control.

Multifocal eyeglasses have also been tested for myopia control in children, but results have been less impressive than those produced with multifocal contacts.